I wanna be Hackerz!


It looks like that in our times it’s neat to be a hacker.

There is a lot of interest but at the same time a lot of misinformation and high expectations that are nowhere close to reality. One of them is that it is easy to be a Hacker and you just need some tips and tricks from other Hackers.

If you are a security researcher, for example, you will be constantly bombarded by such requests like:

– teach me how to hack
– I want to hack
– what should I do to start to hack

It is quite interesting that many of those aspiring hackers use their personal Facebook or Twitter profiles to ask for such tips.

Now, here comes the truth: being a hacker, a good one, it’s a pretty damn tough.

That’s why if you really want to go in that direction at least do it right.

This example shows a perfect illustration of Hacking done wrong.

@nullcoockies , a fisher of Phishers, easily traced from a fake Ransomware that pops up in your browser to it’s Creator or pseudo Hacker.

OPSEC, how does it work? pic.twitter.com/4NU91uNpu4— nullxmascookies (@nullcookies) September 28, 2018

@nullcookies now deleted Tweet

Follow @nullcoockies for other cool fish of phishers stuff!

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